Why Do We Suffer?

breath Jan 12, 2023

Learning how to deal with suffering is an important part of life and can help provide you with the tools to be able to handle situations that might not be going your way. Finding ways to deal with suffering that are constructive and productive can help ensure that times of hardship don’t end up impacting every area of your life. There are many times in your life when you might have to deal with suffering; it could be due to a physical impediment or an emotional situation. Learning how to deal with the emotions and feelings that come as a result of suffering is an important part of life.

Let’s take a look at the effects of suffering and how to deal with the emotions that might come from these situations.

What Are the Effects of Suffering?
You can experience both physical and psychological effects of suffering, which can be extremely detrimental to your health. These effects can be drastic and many people may have physical reactions as a result.

What are the Physical Effects of Suffering that Challenge Your
The physical effects of suffering that impact your health can have a serious effect on your life. When you experience suffering, you might find that your breathing becomes erratic and that your heart beats faster due to a sense of impending threat. This rise in blood pressure can have severe negative consequences on your health and also put you at risk of developing heart disease. To make sure this doesn’t happen, it’s important to be able to learn how to control the way your body reacts to certain stressors.

What Are the Psychological Effects of Suffering?
Suffering often leads to depression, anxiety and stress that you might not be able to cope with if you don’t have the right tools. When you experience suffering or a traumatic event, your immediate response is usually to turn into yourself to try and handle the emotions that you’re feeling. Segregating yourself from others and not being able to communicate what you’re going through can lead to depression and anxiety. It’s important to find healthy coping mechanisms to ensure that this doesn’t happen.

What Can We Do to Alleviate the Feeling of Suffering and
Learn to Manage It?
Learning how to deal with suffering is important. At one time or another, you’ll go through experiences that lead to your suffering, so finding constructive ways to deal with the emotions and physical issues that come with this can ensure that it doesn’t largely impact your life. Here’s how to alleviate the feelings of suffering and learn how to better manage these situations.

Recognise Suffering and Control It with Breathing Exercises
Breathing exercises are a great way to learn how to better control your body's reactions to stressful situations. Learning how to deal with suffering can include finding different breathwork exercises to help alleviate the pain that you might be feeling. There are tons of different techniques you can use, many focused on calming down both your body and mind, allowing you to think more clearly. Breathing techniques can help you better control the physical and psychological trauma that can be related to suffering.

Deal With Suffering Through Awareness
Finding out why your body and mind react the way they do can be a great insight when it comes to learning how to deal with suffering. Making yourself aware of the bodily reactions you have can help you combat overwhelming feelings during stressful situations.

Balancing Emotions with Meditation
Balancing your emotions with meditation can be a great way to deal with suffering. Meditation focuses on looking towards your inner self and acknowledging the challenges you may be facing, but also looking for ways to overcome them. Meditation would be a great tool to use if you’re hoping to find better and more productive coping mechanisms to deal with suffering.



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