What is Melatonin Hormone? What are the Effects of Melatonin Hormone?

mind Oct 15, 2022

Melatonin, called the sleep hormone, regulates circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycle. It is sensitive to light and dark. When it gets dark, melatonin is produced in excess and it helps to sleep. When it's time to wake up, the amount of melatonin produced decreases as the sun comes up and the brightness level increases.

 A. The Hormone Released at Night: What Is Melatonin?

The main task of Melatonin, which is secreted at night, is to regulate the body's circadian rhythms (24-hour internal clock). In humans, the sleep-wake cycle is the most fundamental and decisive circadian rhythm.

People with low sleep levels have problems with their Melatonin levels, and therefore melatonin is recommended as a therapeutic supplement sometimes. Studies determined that the most important factor affecting synthesis and release of melatonin is light. “The rhythm of light and dark, day and night, controls melatonin. The blood melatonin concentration reaches its peak values between 02:00 and 04:00 at night. It decreases again between 05.00 and 07.00 hours and after this time interval it is drawn towards the lower limit. On average, a person's body synthesizes a total of 30 mg of melatonin overnight. For this reason, watching television at night when melatonin is secreted, spending time with a mobile phone and being exposed to light, especially blue light, will reduce the quality of sleep and the body's resistance to diseases it is very certain that melatonin improves sleep quality without changing sleep duration.


 B. What are the Effects of Melatonin Hormone?

The hormone melatonin has many functions for the human body. Besides its effect on sleep regulation, melatonin has other functions as well. It works for cell regeneration, improving the immune system and balancing body temperature. And it is the most powerful antioxidant known due to its lipophilic property. In this way, it can reach all body parts and cross the blood-brain barrier. It is used to neutralize the damage in many blood-brain barriers, some genes that can damage the blood-brain barrier and cause some diseases such as ALS, multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy. The treatment of these neurological only may be by limiting the action of these genes. Studies are showing that the melatonin hormone can contribute to a strong blood-brain barrier in many ways.

 1. What are the Effects on Sleep Pattern?

It is the only hormone that regulates our biological clock, controls of sleep patterns. In other words, it is like a stabilizer that allows us to fall asleep and wake up at certain times.

The task of the hormone melatonin is to ensure that the body has a regular circadian cycle. Under normal conditions, the body produces more melatonin in the dark, dark is sufficient for melatonin secretion. It gives signals for the body to prepare for sleep by lowering the body temperature. In other words, it does not have a direct hypnotic effect. Low melatonin level therefore causes sleep problems. If it is bright and the light intensity is high, it reduces the production of melatonin and gives signals to the body to be awake. Low melatonin level therefore causes sleep problems.

 C. What are the Effects of Melatonin Hormone Level on the Human Body?

 1. Melatonin Deficiency Causes What?

With the low melatonin hormone, the sleep-wake cycle is completely disrupted. While the hormone melatonin is higher in young people, this rate is less in the elderly. If the hormone melatonin falls faster than expected, it means that the aging process has accelerated. And the risk of getting more diseases increases. Factors such as stress, lack of sleep, restlessness, harmful substance use, and excess caffeine trigger melatonin deficiency. And finally the expected result will be depression.


 2. Melatonin Excess Causes What?

In case of excessive melatonin secretion, excessive sleepiness, drowsiness during the day, excessive sweet eating desire, ligament pains, decrease in body temperature, depression, increased dreaming, nightmares and hypertonia have been observed.

 It has been reported that high doses of melatonin prevent LH from peaking during the menstrual cycle in women and cause FSH levels to remain constant. Excess of melatonin causes polycystic ovary syndrome for women.

 D. What are the Benefits of Melatonin Hormone Controlling the Sleep-Wake Cycle?

  1. Through the melatonin secreted while sleeping, all cells are renewed, the immune system is strengthened and the body gains resistance again.
  2. Melatonin reduces the proliferation of cancer cells, tumor spread and the number of metastases. Studies have emphasized that melatonin prevents leukemia, so children should be put to sleep, especially in dark places.
  3. In addition, it can be said that melatonin improves performance by preventing body temperature from rising to dangerous levels during exercise. That's why daylight exercises are beneficial.
  4. The hormone melatonin is useful for regulating the sleep pattern of patients with depression. It shows that it causes regression of depression symptoms caused by seasonal changes.
  5. Since melatonin, which is released during the night, lowers blood pressure and heart rate, it is thought that it may play an important role in balancing high blood pressure as well.

 E. How can the hormone melatonin, which is also used in the treatment of insomnia, be increased?

People who suffer from insomnia have problems with regular sleep, staying asleep, or both. When symptoms last longer, this is called chronic insomnia.

The most important way to maintain the circadian rhythm is quality sleep. Quality sleep will help to keep consciousness to be awake. In order to keep up with the rhythm of your body, it is necessary to take maximum advantage of the effect of melatonin during by sleepıng at nights. Being awake during the day allows us to take advantage of the natural daylight abundantly. To better control 24-hour sleep cycles, here are some tips for increasing the hormone melatonin.

  1. Follow a consistent sleep schedule: Our ideal sleep time is 3-4 hours after sunset. Between 23:00 and 05:00 is our ideal sleep time.
  2. Get daily exercise: In the morning, we should use maximum sunlight and walk for 20 minutes every day or 45 minutes 3 days a week. Do not do any activity that will delay the transition to sleep. It will be effective if all physical activities are done in daylight before it gets dark. To increase the melatonin hormone, we should sleep in the dark and not use night lamps.
  3. Do not use night lamps: Sleep in the dark, do not use night lamps.
  4. Seek out natural light: Try to use natural light in your living spaces. Live in buildings that are illuminated according to the circadian rhythm. Consider using natural light in your buildings. Using artificial light will make you depressed and cause anxiety.
  5. Limit light before bed: Blue light sources should be avoided within 3-4 hours before going to bed. Do not be exposed to exaggerated bright light when it gets dark. It is important to avoid the light of television, tablets and smartphones, which are blue light sources 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  6. Avoid caffeine and smoke: Quitting smoking and alcohol consumption completely will be beneficial to increase the level of melatonin. In fact, giving up excessive coffee consumption and staying away from stress helps to increase the release of melatonin.

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