strategy Aug 14, 2022


Working on consciousness makes it possible to live a balanced life.You won't face any barriers in your path to achieving all you desire out of life if you do this. So what can we say about a balanced diet? So, what can we say about a balanced diet? Is there a connection between a healthy and balanced diet and keeping our lives in balance? How much protein do we need? Is protein essential in human life? In this article, we will discuss protein, sugar, and living a balanced life...


It is essential to consume enough protein.

Our bodies function like machines. Sometimes it needs activity, sometimes rest, sometimes it needs fuel.

Food is our body's fuel. Protein is one of the basic building blocks obtained from food that is required for our health and survival.

A well-balanced protein is of great importance for all our vital functions. Balanced protein consumption, while not excessive,helps to keep our muscles strong for a very long time. It also maintains our muscle-fat ratio.


Protein deficiency can lead to a number of issues. For example, if you don't get enough protein, you might start overeating. This issue, which is the source of obesity, deserves the utmost attention.

Excess protein consumption is harmful, as is consuming less protein than the body requires. In other words, eating less protein will make you sick as well. However, a diet high in protein, such as the Atkins diet, will not keep you healthy and young. For these reasons, we must never forget that our bodies require a balance of protein, fat, sugar, and carbohydrates.


What Should We Eat? How Can We Age Healthily?

As we mentioned above, unbalanced protein consumption harms our bodies.In our dietary choices, of course, we should pay attention to consuming unsaturated fats, sugar from fruit and natural carbohydrates.

Especially when we reach middle age, diets containing excessive protein can cause us to get sick.

Therefore, it would be wise to reduce animal protein and increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits, especially after the age of 65.


What Diet Do I Recommend?

Excessive protein diets disrupt your body's balance. A semi-vegetarian diet with moderate protein consumption, on the other hand, will ensure that you stay healthy for longer. As a result, the body can more easily obtain the amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates it requires. I have some good news for CHOCOLATE lovers: Cacao flavanols, particularly those found in dark chocolate, have been shown to improve vision and cognitive function by increasing blood flow to the eyes and brain. Of course, sugar consumption must be monitored here, as the sugar in chocolate may have the opposite effect on our brain.


Pay Attention to Sugar Consumption!

Let's talk about sugar briefly. Sugary foods, according to a UCLA study, slow down brain

function.Learning actually becomes more challenging as a result. Additionally, sugar consumption also leads to diabetes, obesity, and a fatty liver.

Diabetes-related problems can be avoided by eating foods rich in Omega 3. Foods high in omega 3 oils, such as salmon, walnuts, and flaxseed, can help to lessen this effect.

For this reason, omega-rich fish can also be referred to as "brain food." In short, it is beneficial to eat Omega 3 foods on a regular basis .It also makes sense to take supplemental vitamins. While doing so, it is critical for health to consume as little saturated fat and sugar as possible.


High-Calorie Foods Increase Appetite

High-calorie foods stimulate the reward system in the human brain. It causes an increase in the secretion of endorphins and sobamin. As a result, the more you eat these types of foods, the more you want to eat them.

These are the root causes of overeating and emotional eating, as well as the resulting obesity. Self-management disappears at this point, and the person begins to gain weight.


Causes of Weight Problem

Sedentary lifestyle and eating habits are the obvious causes of weight problems. However, the main cause of weight problems is a lack of self-actualization. People who are not in line with their own values, who do not realize their life purpose, and whose minds have been conditioned, need to overeat.

These people are particularly drawn to sugar and fatty foods. Excessive sugar consumption indicates that the individual is disconnected from his own existence. Of course, so are the extra pounds. What can we do to improve our health?

To improve our health, we must first establish healthy and balanced eating habits. In general, eating vegetables and fruits in season is the healthiest way to eat. We will be taking the most important step for our health if we buy these products from organic and local markets, try to eat naturally, and adopt a diet free of saturated fats and sugar.

Our health is significantly impacted by the environment in which we live.It has always been observed that individuals who live in nature, surrounded by plenty of greenery, natural lakes, seas, and rivers are considerably healthier than those who live in cities, away from nature, and in high-rise buildings. As a result, spending time in the garden, in nature, in the forest, by the lake, and in touch with nature is critical for human health.

Today, we learned about a balanced diet, the impact of protein and sugar consumption on our health, and what we should do to live a healthy life.

Stay healty.



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