strategy Aug 29, 2022

What exactly is medicine? Are drugs beneficial? What are the dangers of drugs? For years, we have struggled to find answers to these questions. We base our decision on our formed opinion after finding the correct or incorrect answer. Some people are afraid of drugs, as if they are trying to avoid a specter.

Others believe they cannot recover without medication.

So, shouldn't it be balanced? How can we balance the drugs if we want to live a balanced life? What will happen in our lives if we achieve this balance? Let's look for answers to these questions together...

Medicines Have Two Sides

Let us make it clear that drugs are neither good nor bad. Medicine is just a medicine. As with everything in life, drugs have their pros and cons. Benefits and harms are equal. They are both necessary and superfluous.

Drug use has both long-term benefits and drawbacks. This benefit and harm will always be equal to one another.

Do Medications Cure Disease?

The most important thing to understand about medications is that they cannot make an unhealthy person healthy.

Because every disease we experience is a reflection of a sick consciousness.All diseases and symptoms we experience in our bodies are manifestations of distorted perspectives and thought habits in our consciousness.

In short, no disease occurs by chance; first the mind gets sick, then the body.

As a result, a medication used to treat a physical illness only has an effect at the outcome level. It releives bodily pain and symptoms. It does not, however, affect the mind, which is the primary factor in illness, which is why the body becomes ill.

How Does True Healing Occur?

Even though medications can ease pain and symptoms, they cannot truly treat us because they do not alter our consciousness. This is the reason why true healing can only take place at the consciousness level.

The medicine is simply magical. It alters the symptom that manifested in the body as a reflection of the distorted mind, once more at the body level, that is in the physical world. During this time, however, there was no discernible change. When the person stops taking the drug, the same symptoms persist.

Taking a headache medication will not make your headache go away. This medication may numb you to the point where you no longer feel pain. It alleviates the symptom of pain but does not cure it.

Every Medicine Has Side Effects

Drugs have a cost,even if they only relieve symptoms and do not actually treat the underlying cause of the condition. Simply put, every medication also has a side effect.

Because all magic comes at a cost.

Renowned psychiatrist Peter Breggin wrote in the journal Toxic Pyschiatry, “Antidepressants are neuropsychic, damage the brain and impair brain function. As a result, you have an abnormal mood and distorted thoughts, which can lead to paranoia, brutality, and suicide. "While attempting to relax the person, it causes significant brain damage."

"Psychoescism is not exactly a science," says the Psychiatric Drugs Handbook. According to the chapter I read, "Medications given to patients are aimed at suppressing the condition, not treating it. Medicines can have very severe side effects. Most psychiatric drugs are for depression.” he continues.

Many drugs have an effect on protein. It reduces the body's reliance on proteins.

Medicines Have Two Poles

In light of these facts, each individual builds his or her own reality based on his or her own perceptions.

We can see that some members of society accept drugs while others do not. Although some people are addicted to drugs, others would never use them. These two opposing poles generate each other.

The pharmaceutical sector is a multibillion dollar industry. No culture in history has been free of psychological and physiological drugs, in addition to those who cast physical spells. There have always been mushrooms, roots, herbs, and drug concentrates.

In short, a magical cure has always been found for every disease.

Ancient History of Medicines

Psychoactive drugs have a long history. Treatment methods involving herbs such as alcohol, opium (opium), caffeine, and cannabis are common in ancient Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Chinese, Hindu, and Arab cultures.

As can be seen from this, while it appears that drugs have been used for physical healing throughout history, many of them are also used for spiritual purification and awakening.

Some hallucinogenic drugs were used in religious ceremonies.Such drugs and herbs were able to affect the serotonin 2A receptors in the brain, causing people to lose their sense of time and space. Thus, it was attempted to assist people in seeing unity consciousness and various religious visions.

Yes, my dear readers.The subject of medications is deep and ancient, with no end in sight. A vast amount of additional informationcan be given and comments can be made on this matter. I must, however, draw a conclusion here and remind you that, as in all spheres of life, medicine must be balanced.remind you of the importance of maintaining balance in medicine, as well as in all aspects of life. If you only hope to regain your health through medication, you are seriously mistaken. The main goal is to purify the distorted thoughts and consciousness and achieve balance in this area.

Stay well...


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