A true master is the one who can manage money effortlessly.

strategy Nov 06, 2022

Take action if you want to change your financial destiny.

There are some ways to increase our earnings. One of these methods, and the most
important, is to confront ourselves. Many people suffer financially because they can't face themselves, because they can't be honest with themselves. Unfortunately, they believe they are better than they actually are and as superior to others. They demand a lot more than their level of competence, capacity and exert themselves .As a result, unfortunately, they are greatly disappointed. Currency is actually the unit of our spirituality, our true worth. Money, in fact, is the most beautiful reflection of our value in our reality, especially when we consider our value in the material world. Someone who has a strong sense of self, expresses his uniqueness in life, and provides enormous contribution to humanity cannot be struggling with money. In fact, all people who have financial problems are lost, deprived of themselves, impoverished by themselves, unable to confront themselves, lost in a variety of situations, and unaware of themselves. Our money level reflects our mental state; our level of savings, our wealth is related to our perception and our state of mind. The experiences that any of us have had are not accidental. All of our experiences within our thinking patterns have reasons in our minds.

You have probably seen many people who claim to be entrepreneurs, who are the boss of their own business, or who introduce themselves as entrepreneurs, and who attempt to grow their own business with big dreams. They claim to do great things, speak great words and make great promises, but keep none of these promises. When you look at their lives, you can discover that their past is a reflection of their future. Whatever success a person had in the past, he can only have the same level of success in the future. For this reason, big problems await us when we are not being honest with ourselves; when we fail to consider the things that happened and the things we did in the past; when we complain all the time; when we refuse to accept responsibility for our actions; when we are not aware of our own worth, our mind, our perception and when we fail to realize that we actually get what we deserve. Because nothing happens by chance in the universe. We earn as much money as we are currently worth. If you started a business with big aspirations and entrepreneurial dreams in the past, but it did not succeed in growing as much as you had hoped, you suffered significant financial loss, or you did not reach the goal you had set for yourself, and you blamed others for it, it means you are constantly sinking deeper and deeper into a financial crisis. Because nothing in life happens by accident. No one fails at work, no one loses money by accident just as no one is successful by chance. No one left the person at the top of the mountain with a helicopter, he climbed there himself. We have to admit that the failure is the result of laziness, negligence, a lack of discipline, a lack of intelligence, a mental block from finding a solution, but most importantly, a lack of self responsibility.

You can look back on your life and say, 'He did this to me, that's how he treated me, so things went wrong. "Or you can choose to change your material destiny by realizing that you are the root of all evil, by facing yourself and walking the path of truth. If you want to change your material destiny, the first step is to confront yourself. Because confronting oneself is the first step in increasing profits and money flow. We can't advance in life if we don't confront ourselves, if we don't know where we are.

As someone who personally experienced and knows this process well, for years I have been providing people with guidance on money education and strengthening their connection with themselves. This is the key of life. It is impossible for someone to experience financial difficulties when they are fully present in their lives, face themselves, and connect with their true selves. That's why those who attend to the curriculum education double their income in a few weeks. Those who join to money education are 10 times because if a person takes one step in his journey to know himself, the universe begins to reward him 100 times. Do not forget that every step you take toward self-knowledge multiplies your value by ten.

Even a single training in the curriculum is a step towards the process of values, mind work or meditation, self-knowledge, self-understanding. That's our only goal. Self awareness, which instantly changes your material destiny because the universe rewards the step you take towards yourself.




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