The Perfect Life Plan

Only %4 of the world population take time to sit down and plan their lives in every detail, by asking themselves powerful questions.

That is why only %4 reach all their goals and live amazing lives.

Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

Taking the time to sit down and work on your life, gives you direction, guidance and incentive to create the life you have been dreaming of.

We can only create a fulfilling, amazing life, by planing it, thinking on it, using our creative power, using our mind and focusing on what we want.

This product gives you the tools and methods and teaches on how to do that. Plan and create your dream life.


Imagine taking time and working on your business, instead of in your business everyday, for an hour, for a year and using powerful strategic planning tools. 

Imagine taking the time and working on your relationships, thinking on ‘’what you really want to experience’’ in every little detail and changing the way things are, creating new, fulfilling relationships and trasforming the already existing ones.

Imagine having a clear financial freedom plan, family fulfillment plan, a physical health and wellbeing plan and creating clear to do lists and action plans, getting mentoring and coaching support from professionals every week and staying on track each and everyday for one year. 

Imagine what you could achieve, if you had a mentor and a coach, supporting you on working on every area of your life.

Planning is everything. 

The quality of your life depends on the quality of the questions you ask to yourself.

During this one year, you will work on your life mission, create a clear mission statement, align your values with your objectives, organize and prioritize specific action steps, get support on staying in action, making plans and to do lists, dissolve and discard distractions and start growing and expanding in every area of your life. 

Once you have completed this program, you will have a clear vision on how your life will look like, in the next 10, 20, 30, 50 years. You will have your own Perfect Life Plan, you will be able to work on, develop and refine for the many years to come.

Give yourself the permission to be extraordinary. Take time to define how you want your life to be.


THE PLANNING YOUR LIFE COURSE:  A 5 days intense workshop where you will have the chance to work on all areas of life, WEALTH, BUSSINESS, HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, FAMILY, SOCIAL, SELF AWARENESS.

LIVE MENTORING FOR ONE YEAR: Live mentoring sessions, through zoom, every month, for 11 months. 




Life Mission


Bussiness Planning

Wealth Building

Social Influence


Relationships and family

Health and wellbeing

The Perfect Body

The Perfect Mind

The Perfect Life

Inspired Life Plan


50% Complete

Two Step

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