What is True Love?

strategy Mar 13, 2022

Where there is true love, there is no admiration, pride, or shame. And where there is shame, pride, or arrogance, there is no love.

When someone is proud of themselves, they think their human traits are better than their partners'. This mental state points to a distorted level of consciousness. In contrast, when a person feels guilty, they assume their human traits are inferior to those of their partner. There is also a distorted consciousness at play here. 

True love means both sides accept each other with all their traits – the good and the bad. True love transforms all admiration, pride, and shame. We reach a different level when we realise that we share the same traits as those we see in the other person and vice versa. 

At this level, we start to see that no human trait is inherently good or bad, that each trait, behaviour, action, and inaction bring equal benefit and harm. Once we realise that, we all reach a more balanced, objective, logical, smarter, and awakened point of consciousness. 

 The starting point of love

Once this point is reached, there is nothing both sides cannot agree on. Because the other person is an exact reflection of us, and that is exactly where love blooms. David Nemitz says, “Let’s share being human together.” Right here is a good description of love. We can only experience true love when we completely accept all our traits – the hate, the love, the good, and the bad – and really embrace our humanity.

 Why are people lonely?

Unfortunately, there is a very distorted understanding of love in the world. As a result, many people cannot build proper relationships because they fail to see that love comes with hate and light comes with darkness. 

I see that many people are lonely because of their wrong ideas about love. Such people think that love is all about acceptance, kindness and compassion – they cannot see the other side of love.

This is, unfortunately, something I see a lot in women. Women see love, kindness, politenessand family as highly important. As they become kinder and politer, they get more upset and, as a result, lonelier. 


True love is deeply meaningful

True love is deeply meaningful and embraces all human traits without judgement. Joy and pain, crying and laughing, good and bad, kindness and rudeness, sickness and health…

This is exactly why we say ‘in sickness and in health’ in our wedding vows. Those who fail to experience both sides of their humanity, the lightand the darkness simultaneously, cannot build long-lasting, deep, and powerful relationships either. They cannot foster deep bonds with their family, colleagues, or romantic partners.

Today, many people go through daily, weekly, monthly, or seasonal relationships and cannot experience deep-rooted, strong connections because of the judgements in their minds and the meanings they assign to humanity. It is because they glorify some of their own characteristics and look down on others. I’m sorry to say this, but I see this mostly in women. Many women are alone today because they see themselves as superior to most men.

 The universe is bipolar

True love contains both sides of the universe. Everything in the universe is comprised of love and moves towards love. And that point of love is, in fact, ground zero – the point of balance.

There is nothing one-sided about any human behaviour or trait. A wise person can see that the universe is bipolar. But unfortunately, the masses that make up most of society do not have this wisdom, and they assign meaning to humanity. That’s why we rarely see marriages and relationships founded in true love and can maintain their strong bonds for life.


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