
strategy Mar 13, 2022

Men and women – two halves of an apple. Beings who have needed each other from the beginning of humanity and who even risked eating the forbidden apple. It’s great to find the other half of the apple, your soulmate. But what if you can’t find that person? Or what if both halves of the apple start to rot?  

The Secrets of the Golden Book

Soulmates are the subject of legend and literature, poetry and prose. I’ve been receiving a lot of questions about soulmates and twin flames over the years. People, by nature, are highly interested in the topic of soulmates, and we can’t not talk about it. 

And I go into great detail in my book ‘Altın Kitabın Sırları’ (The Secrets of the Golden Book). So, I strongly recommend you read that book before anything else.

Reaching the soulmate level

Dear readers, even reaching the level of soulmate and twin flame requires a certain level of consciousness. And this level can only be achieved once we let go of our judgements about life, or in other words, when we achieve true balance.

Humans have over 4000 traits – actions and inactions. And we only find balance when we make peace with all of them. As a matter of fact, we don’t need to individually study thousands of traits one by one. But we can see that many people assign meaning to or have distorted perspectives about at least half of them. Considering that many people think of these human traits as good or evil, we can see that there is room for improvement and a long road ahead of us. We need to work hard to get to the point of consciousness we desire because we first need to be aligned with the life energy in the universe to come across our soulmate or twin flame. 


How do we meet our soulmate?

I’ve talked about what we need to do to meet our soulmate in some of my courses. We can get to a balanced point of consciousness when we work on our fate and combine everything at the point of fate, chance, intention, and luck. And when we are aligned with our fate and being at this balanced point of consciousness, when we become one with our soul, then we can meet our soulmate.

It’s possible to live our lives with our soulmates or soul group. Living this way allows us to have spiritual integrity and connection in all relationships. Then we can realise that such relationships come from eternity and reach eternity; they don’t have a starting and ending point. 

And this is the level of consciousness that allows us to have deep, loving connections and build friendships, marriages, or business partnerships that flow in harmony. At this level, we can move forward with our lives more easily. 

In fact, our lives and relationships always reflect how connected we are with our souls. A person can only establish relationships as strong as the bond they have with their soul, essence, and being.

Relationships end without true love

Friendships, business or social relationships, and marriages are always a reflection of a person’s soul. The weaker this bond is, the weaker their relationships are. And in such situations where there is no connection or true love, the relationships don’t last long.

There is one thing I want to highlight here. Establishing relationships with a hidden agenda does not have anything to do with the spirit. When we truly connect with our soul, we accept ourselves as we are. That gives us the ability to completely accept the person we connect with spiritually – our soulmate or twin flame. We find ourselves in a situation where there are no expectations and no illusory love.


Absence of illusory love

In this situation, there is nothing to trigger us; we don’t feel drawn towards someone because of desire or an excessive urge. Here, we see a relationship that is calm, peaceful, and free from the toxic energy of emotional burdens. In such relationships, two people at peace with themselves can establish true and deep bonds without trying to change one another and still be in touch with their own beings. This kind of relationship is a reflection of people who are not trying to change themselves. 

That’s why the journey starts from within. When we move forward, we can find the perfect balance in relationships and establish connections that last an eternity. 


The biggest difference between a soulmate and a twin flame

Now, let’s talk a bit about the differences between soulmates and twin flames. A soulmate is the reflection of the alignment of our self-connection with our being. Whereas a twin flame is someone whose values and life goals are the opposite of ours. Our twin flame allows us to expand in the world and accelerates and deepens our acceptance of our humanity. 

When we say twin flame, we’re talking about someone who values and cares about things that are the opposite of what we value or care about. When we look around us, we often see that the strongest love connections are experienced between twin flames. People who are more in touch with their souls usually end up marrying their twin flames. Because even though they represent your exact opposite, you get to connect deeply with that person because you love them as they are.

And this allows you to set on a very powerful journey of change, transformation and growth. There is something often said in the Buddhist and classic Vedic teachings: If your hands sweat, your legs turn to jelly, and your heart starts pounding when you meet someone, that is not your soulmate. Because soulmates don’t make you experience such things; these experiences are the product of your own distorted perception. 

Such excitement is proof that you are overestimating the traits of that person. This is the experience of the illusory love triggered by your emotional burdens. With your true soulmate, you feel calm. You don’t experience anxiety, panic, excitement, sweaty hands, or trembling legs.

The deepest feeling you experience with your soulmate is tranquillity, serenity. I know this from my own experience in my marriage. I’m in a state of eternal calm that doesn’t have room for such excitements or illusions. This is a more balanced and profound state. My marriage has a sense of serenity and wholeness. 

That’s why I’m telling you this – try to be whole within yourself, try to become one with your own being. Once you get to this point, this feeling of serenity will allow you to come across someone who has also become whole with their own being. This person will be your reflection. A reflection of your soul – your soulmate. You won’t be two halves; you will both be whole. And two people who are content with themselves find it easier to be content with the other person’s existence. And they get to experience an increase in their happiness, serenity, peace, and tranquillity. 


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