Rules to Living Masterfully

strategy Mar 27, 2022

Who wouldn’t want to be happy, healthy, and lead a successful and peaceful life? Even though everyone wants them, the universe doesn’t just respond to requests. You need to deserve it – there is a price to pay for a life lived masterfully. You need to exert yourself and persevere. There are rules to living masterfully, and knowing these rules makes things easier. In this article, I will share with you the four rules to live a masterful life.


1. Having a neutral mind and freeing yourself from emotions

Freeing yourself from emotions – easier said than done. Because being free of emotions requires a certain level of consciousness. One needs to reach a higher level of consciousness – namely the executive mind – which requires time and effort.

People get to this point in a minimum of 6 months, depending on how much time they dedicate to this issue. They need to give 3 to 4 hours each day and work on their mind. Only when they spend this effort can they free themselves from their emotions and neutralise their mind.

But why is it so essential to live free of emotions? 

When we are in the executive mind and free of our emotions, when all episodic memories in our brains are neutralised, we can look at life from a completely realistic perspective. We can make better choices when we distance ourselves from subjectivity.


2. Living life with a vision 

When emotions are neutralised, we become free of emotional responses. Then, we start living life without reactive behaviours, wrong actions, and stagnant energy. This is how we get a clearer vision of the future. We start to clearly understand our direction, point of meaning, and our highest purpose.


3. Knowing your mission and purpose

When we know our purpose and mission in life, we can answer that big question: Why? And there is only one way to discover our purpose – learning how to stop, rest, sit with ourselves and question life. The quality of the questions we ask ourselves determines the quality of our lives. When we make a habit of asking ourselves questions, when we start to question the reasons behind each step we take, then we can align ourselves with our purpose and move forward very easily.


4. Working on a strategy

You should make certain plans and take actions with a certain strategy in mind. If you are doing that and are not afraid to ask yourself hard questions, then you can move forward more easily in all aspects of your life and reach success in a much quicker and certain fashion. 

You need to know these four rules if you want to see progress in all aspects of your life and realise all your goals. When you start incorporating these rules, you will see that you are moving towards your goals and reaching them in time. Ask yourself this one question all the time: “If not me, who?” And remember this sentence: “If I could, so can you!” 

Dear friends, my job here is to support those who want to move forward in all aspects of their lives and teach them everything I know. As a teacher who knows the secrets to masterful living, I can help you. If you want to live your life masterfully, if you are curious about these topics, please let us know.

Until next time.


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