strategy Jul 24, 2022

You, like all people, want to be powerful and influential. One of the seven most essential elements motivating human behavior is your need for social status. Who you marry, how long you live, and who you socialize with are all influenced by your social status. You can damage your genuine social authority if you overestimate or underestimate your true social rank in the social hierarchy.

When you exaggerate yourself and think of yourself as superior or and greater than others, you risk alienating them because you may fail to respect them enough by telling them what you enjoy in terms of what they want. You can gradually or dramatically undermine your assumed power in order to reclaim your genuine self and socioeconomic standing.

You may perceive it as temporary enjoyment when you underestimate yourself and regard yourself as inferior or weaker than others.

Self-deprecation or feeling privileged are less prevalent than compensatory obesity (the desire to be bigger). When you feel particularly powerful, you're more likely to make business agreements. When you are subordinate to individuals you admire, you are subject to low-status sentiments. Any area of your life that you don't give others permission to control is an area where they will have power over yourself.

The more people who know and respect you, and the more people who know and respect you, the more social power you will have. There are no more than seven intermediaries between you and other people. There are no more than seven intermediates between you and other individuals (six degrees of separation). Anyone you admire, the president, any prime minister, any star, is only six handshakes away. 

Serotonin levels in the brain have an impact on social hierarchy. You'll proudly stand taller, straighter, and more open if you increase your serotonin levels, and you'll feel more cognitively intelligent as a result. You'll be embarrasingly shorter, leaner, more defensive, and closed if you lower your serotonin levels, and you'll feel less cognitively intelligent as a result.

In such a social hierarchy, your serotonin level can have a big impact on your standing. It has the potential to help you master your instincts and impulses. As a low-status individual, low serotonin levels can make you feel confined and resource-limited, prompting you to submit to someone of higher status.



Instead of rehabilitating criminals, the imprisonment is still primarily focused on punishing them or using tit-for-tat logic to give them what they deserve. This so-called punishment mechanism is used to make up for the victim's losses and rehabilitate the perpetrator. 

In reality, opportunities and freedom help the start of illegal actions. When others share your values, you become more open to them and can act more freely. You stretch your rules and principles, give them opportunities, and allow them to be free. This makes you more vulnerable. As a result, committing the crime becomes less difficult.

When others question your values, you shut down and become more loyal to them. You develop strategies and rules. You limit their opportunities and freedom, which makes it more difficult for them to commit crimes.

When something new and pure is introduced to the market, it can be more easily stolen. As a result, the thieves can benefit from the new product. Then, realizing that deterrence isn't compelling or effective enough, businesses or organizations strive to come up with a solution to reduce theft or crime. You look for a strategy to defend your rights because of thieves. Criminals make people or companies value themselves and their products in this setting.



A fair financial order promotes encourages social cohesion even among criminals. No social organization can thrive without some form of just order. Because even criminals and pirates want to seek for a profit. This is why pirates and organized crime groups have their own set of rules and constitutions to safeguard their own rights.

For years, governments have attempted to eliminate drug gang ringleaders. These organizations, on the other hand, were frequently supplanted by smaller, more abrasive gangs.

Murder, robbery, theft, rape, assault, auto theft, and even cybercrime have all decreased as a result of better and more equipped police personnel being stationed in areas where crime is most frequent. 

Examining a suspect's DNA after his arrest can be useful in separating the guilty from the innocent. However, in the long term, DNA databases aid law enforcement. However, it may cause challenges in areas such as violation of privacy.

Fingerprinting and DNA collection, satellite, helicopter, and drone monitoring, infrared detectors, thermal imaging, and video cameras all have advantages, but they can also be used to violate privacy and sanctuary.


According to Adrian Raine's book "The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime," evolution has made rape, robbery, and even stealing a profitable way of life for a small portion of the population.

Theft can provide the perpetrator with more of the resources he needs to survive and reproduce. Aggression can give men higher status in this order where social dominance prevails. Killing for revenge is a strategy developed for dealing with wrongdoers.

You may conduct inhumane and unlawful acts, including murder, in order to defend your child from a rapist or murderer. Within you, there is a source of violence. You can recognize the potential for violence within yourself when you believe that using violence gives you an advantage rather than a loss, when you have adequate justification to use violence, or when you believe it will bring you reputation or celebrity.

It's only a matter of time until someone tries to steal information with considerable monetary or intelligence worth if it isn't protected.

A crime is an internationally enforceable conduct that is commonly seen as socially destructive or hazardous that is defined, outlawed, and punished by criminal law. Because there are many differing viewpoints on whether or to what extent an action is purposeful, as well as what is socially detrimental and dangerous, this definition may cause ambiguity.

What punishment or retribution would be suitable for crimes if there is no free will/conscious thinking present and simply unconscious responses or biological impulses, as some brain research suggest?

It's difficult to talk about any one behavior that is generally regarded a crime because the definition of crime varies so much through time and from culture to culture.

Treason, infidelity, sacrilege, incest, and murder are some of the activities that are widely recognized as crimes. These are the most common activities that are regarded as public wrongdoings.

In some societies, infanticide, hunting and killing of the very old are specifically perpetrated, while in other societies it is classified as murder.

In addition to these issues, there is another difficulty associated with convicting criminals of criminal acts. Eyewitness and witness statements can be unreliable because sensory impressions can be misleading. Perception can be influenced by stress and other factors, and memory isn't always reliable. Witnesses may give conflicting accounts of the same incident.

 Of course, there are differing views on the utility and futility of a prison sentence. There are defenders on both sides. he offender is frequently seen as a victim of social and psychological forces beyond their control by the second party. Both camps agree that punishment should not be abolished and that a moderate and just punishment can be rehabilitative. Apart from those who believe that jail has a greater deterrent impact, there are those who believe that it increases the convict's tendency to commit crimes.

On the punishment of criminals, public opinion is divided and undecided. Increasing crime rates always generate calls for more violence and punishment, or for the death penalty to be reinstated. However, when legislatures consider these pressures and decide to impose such penalties, public opposition frequently develops and prevents the actual implementation of escalating penalties.


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