strategy Mar 13, 2022

Everyone needs money. Many people struggle financially, but there are some who don’t even experience it at all. Do you think this has anything to do with the level of consciousness? Raising to which level would save us from our money troubles? Is such a thing even possible?


Reasons Behind Financial Difficulties


Money, just like life, is energy. If you’re struggling financially, there are two main reasons behind it:


1.           There is a problem with the value we assign to ourselves: If we are not adequately aware of our value, if we feel we are not worthy of wealth or making it big, if we underestimate ourselves and play the victim, it means we’re experiencing serious problems when it comes to the flow of money. This will result in financial difficulties.


2.           There is a problem with the value we assign to money: Problems about the meaning we give to money eventually lead to financial difficulties. Assigning money more importance than it carries and not developing consciousness about it will cause issues. Just like how we need to have an awareness about our relationships, health, or work, we also need to develop a money consciousness and create a more neutral and realistic perspective regarding money.


Importance of Having Realistic Thoughts and Consciousness


What happens if your thoughts are unrealistic, if you think money is better or worse than it actually is? We’re experiencing serious issues with money because we make assumptions about it as we do with our other thoughts. 


Dear readers, everything in life has to do with our consciousness. If we manage our consciousness well, we can achieve anything— regarding money and everything else. Therefore, I’d like to end this on this note: If you want to overcome your financial difficulties, working on your consciousness is a must.



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